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'The Juice Ain’t Worth the Squeeze'

Lies, damn lies, and the war in Afghanistan.



Afghanistan's Haditha: An Atrocity to End the War


The Iranian 'Bomb' is always 5 years away

"5 years" until a bomb, since 1992 and counting



Turning Syria into Iraq

Guy who promoted Iraq war is promoting Syria war

Update: John McCain wants to bomb Syria


Syria's crisis is leading us to unlikely bedfellows



Turning Syria into Iraq (2)

Saudi sends military gear to Syrian rebels

Syrian Rebels Demand Foreign Military Intervention


78% of voters oppose sending troops to Syria




International Monitors are not even-handed:

Who is in charge of the International Atomic Energy Agency? - Amano makes facts fit the policy

"Amano is nothing but a political dwarf in the service of the United States"




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